Wednesday 25 May 2016

Define Physical Fitness Over 40

Physical fitness over 40 is really not too different from physical fitness at any other age. The real difference comes in when you believe you are still 16 and can leap tall buildings in a single bound. In other words, getting back into shape takes a bit longer and requires a bit more energy than when you were 16.

To define physical fitness means to be in good shape or in good condition. People who are in good physical shape can carry out daily tasks without too much fatigue and with enough energy to perform leisure time activities. Your physician will define physical fitness by the cardiovascular measurements he can take in the office, such as pulse, respirations and blood pressure. He’ll also use measurements of weight, body mass index and muscle mass.

A trainer may define physical fitness using some of the same parameters but with the addition of muscle strength testing, cardiovascular endurance and body composition.

But what really is physical fitness and how do you define that after the age of 40? Is 40 really a magical number? In realistic terms it isn’t magical at all. However, there are many people who will tell you that their metabolism noticeably slowed, their joints were noticeably stiffer and they gained weight after passing their 40th birthday.

Physical fitness to the human body is what fine-tuning is to a racing engine. You can perform up to your potential and can help you look and feel your best. It is the performance of the heart, lungs and muscles of the body in tandem with each other. It’s important to remember that our fitness has individual qualities that vary from person to person. It is influenced by your age, heredity, habits, physical fitness program, eating and sex. There are several factors within your power to change: habits, exercise program and eating habits.

To define physical fitness over 40 you have to determine your goals and aspirations. If you’ve been a couch potato for 10 years you may never compete in the senior Olympics. But, if you develop a reason to pursue and continue an exercise program you just may compete.

The most important piece to define physical fitness over 40 is the motivation and reason why a person would pursue activities and set a goal for physical fitness. Your reason ‘why’ will carry you through doubts, disappointments, and injuries. If you develop a reason ‘why’ you’ll get through to a state of physical fitness.

A physical fitness program is a life-long commitment of time and effort. This is something you must do without question, like you would brush your teeth or shower. And, unless you are thoroughly convinced of the benefits of physical fitness and you have a reason to exercise daily you will not succeed.

If you are beginning a physical fitness program you should always consult with your doctor to be sure that you are able to complete the program and don’t have any underlying issues that may impact your progress. Your doctor will also help you to develop a beginning program that will meet your current physical fitness abilities.
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Men’s Fitness Over 40

Men’s fitness over 40 is a bit different than fitness over 40 in a generic sense. Men have different goals, aspirations and body types than women. These issues have to be addressed or goals won’t be achieved.

To start, men have more muscle mass than women do and by nature, less body fat. This isn’t true for all women against all men, but it is a generalized statement. Because men have more muscle mass they are able to do a bit less work and get the same results.

Unfortunately for them this doesn’t apply to other aspects of becoming fit such as diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes. You can’t smoke a bit less and get the same results as a woman who quits completely!

One important aspect to men’s fitness over 40 are lifestyle changes that will improve your health and wellness. These changes include to quit smoking. Smoking is the number one enemy for undermining any fitness program. Smoking affects the efficiency of your lungs, cardiovascular abilities and damages the lung tissue at the cellular level. Approximately 1 in every 6 deaths in the U.S. is related in some way to the effects of smoking. The CDC reports that in the US in 1999 295.5 deaths per 100,000 were attributed to smoking.

Another aspect is the ability to make dietary and nutritional changes that will benefit your health and wellness. We really are what we eat. Our bodies use the fuel that we eat to build cells, provide energy and pretty much run our bodies. If you think of your body as a racing car you’ll understand why you wouldn’t fuel that car with diesel fuel. Neither should fuel your body with beer, peanuts and pretzels.

If you aren’t sure what good nutritional diet looks like consider one or two consultations with a dietitian who can help you slowly incorporate changes into your diet. Basic rules include eating at least 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables per day, drinking 8-10 8-oz glasses of water, and decreasing the amount of white flour in your diet in the form of pasta, bread and chips.

An often overlooked area of men’s fitness is dental care. Believe it or not you can improve your health by flossing and brushing. Studies have shown that flossing and consistent brushing decreases the amount of bacteria in your mouth that has been linked to heart disease, heart attack and strokes. And if you need a more immediate reason to floss and brush, it also decreases problems with bad breath.

Many men will often put up with discomfort, pain and feelings of aging without seeking knowledge or trying to change their habits. You obviously aren’t one of them! Take the initiative you had to read this and change your lifestyle habits that have made your goal of physical fitness just a dream.

The final piece of the puzzle, although you would think it was the first, is the actual exercise program you choose. Men’s fitness over 40 programs are really not very different from other programs except that they advance a bit more slowly to accommodate for the decreased physical fitness and aging process. Just because you are over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t become fit – it just takes a little bit longer and more effort than when you were 20.

Stripped down to the bear essentials a men’s fitness program requires a system that gets you moving for 30 minutes at least three times each week. To get the most benefit you should probably do cardiovascular work for 30 minutes 3 times each week and weight training or strength training two times a week. The cardiovascular activities don’t require special equipment and can be built into your daily activities. Tennis with friends, jogging in the morning with a partner, biking with the kids, jump rope in front of the television; anything that gets your heart rate up and your breathing deeper and more rapid. As you continue to workout each week you’ll notice that you have to work just a bit harder to get your heart and lungs working.

Incorporating strength training with weights into your routine will help to protect your bones from osteoporosis, improve your posture, flatten your abdominal muscles, decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke as well as making daily activities easier and less stressful. The gains you receive from strength training doesn’t mean you become Mr. Universe. Instead some hand weights in the house and a DVD played on the TV can actually do the trick. If you have the time and funds a membership to a gym with a personal trainer can improve your results. However you chose to do them, do them.

Men’s fitness over 40 is an important aspect to your overall health and wellness. It will keep you motivated, fit, energetic and healthy as you reach older adulthood when the risk of heart attack, stroke and assisted living becomes very real.
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5 Myhths Of Physical Fitness Revealed

he 5 articles on physical fitness are the major and minor components of physical fitness, the definition of physical fitness, program development and the 5 myths of physical fitness.

They begin with a definition of physical fitness. What is it? Physical fitness is often split between general fitness and specific fitness or fitness for a specific sport or activity. Physical fitness for a specific activity or general health includes the right exercise, nutrition and rest. Each component is just as important as the others. Good exercise without the right fuel and your body won’t develop strong muscles. If you receive an inadequate amount of rest you will most likely develop a cold or contract a virus. Your body won’t be able to withstand the stress of an active exercise program without appropriate amounts of rest.

The 5 major components of physical fitness are muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular strength, body composition and flexibility. The minor components of physical fitness are balance, agility, coordination and reaction time. Each major and minor component address specific abilities of the body to perform aspects of a sport or of daily activity skills. We use each of these components in our daily living activities. Becoming stronger, with more endurance and balance makes performing activities such as climbing the stairs while carrying a child, gardening and walking the dog more pleasurable, easier and can be done with more grace.

A good physical fitness program will incorporate most components of both the major and minor aspects of physical fitness. A program must also incorporate the other 3 of the 5 Myhths on physical fitness.

Program development for 5 Myhths on physical fitness must include information for both the novice, beginner, couch potato and experienced athlete. Although you may have been a gold medallist in high school, if you have since become a weekend warrior you should start with a beginners program to ensure success and a lower risk of injury.

The fifth and final of the 5 Myhths of physical fitness are the 5 myths of physical fitness. These are most probably the most fun and can open your eyes to the possibilities available to you.
1. Exercise is only for the young. Not True! Exercise is good for people of any age, ability, gender or disability. It doesn’t matter who you are there is an exercise program that will benefit your circumstances.
2. No Pain, No Gain – Not True! When you push yourself to your limits you will feel discomfort in your muscles, a tightness, some degree of being tired. But, you should never feel real pain. Pain is the bodies mechanism for telling you there is something wrong. Stop, listen to your body and get the problem addressed.
3. Cupcakes and Candy Will Feed Your Body. Not True! We are definitely what we eat. Our bodies are made up of the building blocks we feed it. If you build your muscles on candy and cupcakes you can expect illness and poor performance.
4. Long Slow Exercise Burns More Fat Than High Intensity Exercise – Not True! Both burn within the same amount of fat within 10% of each other. The choice shouldn’t be related to how much fat to burn but how the exercise fits into your overall goals.
5. Exercise Can Be Considered Medication – True! Some people are so addicted to their programs that they will exercise no matter what their day, their schedule or the obstacles. Exercise will release endorphins that make you feel better, elevating your mood. Psychiatrists recommend exercise to their patients. Medical doctors recognize that exercise will reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Sleep Apnea – just to name a few. This is real medicine to cure what ails us … stress related disease.
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5 Aspects Of Physical Fitness

There are five components of physical fitness which insurance companies and trainers measure. These components of physical fitness are important to the overall evaluation of health. It is like fine-tuning a racing engine. You wouldn’t add diesel fuel to an engine that requires high octane.

When physical trainers measure the fitness of a person they use 5 components of physical fitness to test the person against a set standard and to develop goals for further improvement. By incorporating these 5 components of physical fitness the person can not only improve health but also lose weight.

The first component of the 5 components of physical fitness is muscular strength. This measurement is the ability of the muscle to exert a maximal force through a range of motion or to a given point. This is measured for a short period of time and usually incorporates the use of weights for evaluation.

Muscular strength can vary throughout the body. So, for instance, you can have high muscular strength in your arms while having weak legs. Of the 5 different components this is the one that is related to the amount and type of exercise the body undergoes. Weight training or strength training is the only method to improve strength.

One principle of increased muscle mass is that a larger amount of muscle consumes a greater number of calories, even at rest. By increasing mass you effectively increase the amount of calories needed for your body at rest and will reduce your body fat ratio. Another benefit to strength training is that it will help to maintain your bone structure and decrease your risk of osteoporosis.

The second component of the 5 components of physical fitness is muscular endurance. This refers to the ability of a muscle to work through a range of motion over a specific amount of time. Or it can be measured by the ability to hold a weight for a specific amount of time – say 20 pounds over-head for 5 minutes. Many times this component is measured through push-ups as these are exercises that exert a specific amount of pressure over time. This measures the upper body muscular endurance.

Muscular endurance is often confused with muscular strength because they are related. However they offer different benefits. Using muscular endurance an athlete is able to shovel snow for an hour lifting and moving a sub-maximal amount of snow over a specified amount of time. Muscular strength would be the ability of the arms and shoulders to lift the maximal amount a couple of times.

While testing muscular endurance the trainer will also be testing cardiovascular endurance. These two components of the 5 components of physical fitness are closely related. Cardiovascular endurance reflects how well your heart and lungs work together to supply oxygen to your body. Some call this aerobic fitness. Trainers may use long runs or swims to test cardiac endurance and test muscular endurance at the same time. This is the cornerstone to complete health and fitness. Without cardiovascular endurance you can’t improve the rest of your fitness.

Component number 4 is flexibility. This is the ability of a joint to move through it’s full range of motion and the elasticity of the muscles. Some refer to this as how limber or supple you are. This is a major component of physical fitness and one that is often over looked. Not everyone needs to be as limber as a gymnast but we all need a degree of flexibility to deal with the demands placed on us during our daily lives.

Stretching is associated with flexibility in order to maintain or increase the ability of a joint to stretch further. Maintaining your flexibility is important for protection of your joints and allowing you to strengthen further to protect your back and reduce the pain of arthritis.

The final component of physical fitness is body composition. This is the ratio of lean body mass to fat body mass. This proportion doesn’t refer to your weight in pounds or to your figure but to a measurement against a standard. Women and men have different body composition ratios. Women carry a higher percentage of fat to maintain a developing baby. This doesn’t mean that women are fatter – but the fat distribution is different.

Your body composition is really more a consequence of your overall fitness. If you have a high body fat mass ratio you are more at risk for coronary heart disease, diabetes, joint and back pain, arthritis, stroke and tendon-muscle accidents.

The 5 components of physical fitness are cornerstone to physical fitness and the ability of the human body to withstand external forces and internal stress while maintaining health and wellness.
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Healthy Heart Diet And Weight Loss - Is it Possible?

Eating a heart healthy diet is often the goal of patients who have discovered they have coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, or another of the heart conditions. Unfortunately, although a heart healthy diet will help to delay the inevitable, if they had begun earlier they may be eliminated the condition in the first place.

Sometimes combining weight loss and a healthy heart diet will accomplish several goals at once. The patient will gain more energy, increase the ability to remain active, decrease the risk of high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke and decrease the risk of stress related illnesses.

The American Heart Association believes that weight loss and a healthy heart diet is so important that they have guidelines for selecting a weight loss and weight maintenance programs.

They believe the food plan should be worked into the person’s current eating habits and preferences and set realistic goals for weight loss. Using a plan that cuts calories too quickly will cause the patient to lose motivation and confidence as well as cut necessary vitamins and minerals from the diet. People who want to attempt weight loss and a healthy heart diet should receive some nutritional education and physical activity to increase the likelihood they will achieve and maintain a healthier weight.

There are some red flags if you chose to use a diet ‘plan’. Does the plan promise more than it can deliver? Does the program use physical activity? Are you encouraged to be screened for health risks and given a consultation to set realistic weight loss goals?

To be clear, the plan should set realistic goals, encourage physical activity, encourage you to be screened for health risks that may impede your progress and give you a consultation to assist setting realistic weight goals.

Popular diets are just what they seem. Popularized by books, reports of rapid weight loss or celebrity endorsements, they often lack the research to back up their claims. In the end, if you eat more than you burn, you’ll gain weight. You lose weight by decreasing calorie intake and increasing calorie burn. You can maintain the same amount of food intake and decrease calorie intake by eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting out processed foods and fats.

A healthy heart diet is one that incorporates all of the principles of a balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, moderate amounts of protein through natural sources and low to no alcohol intake.

We literally are what we eat. If our intake is mostly hydrogenated oils and fats we can’t pronounce, that is the food that builds the cells that run our bodies. A living body will function best on living food. That means raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. Amazingly research is bearing this concept out.

One pound of weight is equal to 3,500 calories. A diet plan may promise a 5 pound weight loss in one week but the only way to achieve that would be to cut your calories by an astounding 17,500 calories. If you normally ate 3,000 calories per day (a high amount) and cut to 1,500 calories you would only have a 10,500 calorie deficit in one week.

Instead a healthy weight loss that people have a better chance of maintaining is 1 –2 pounds per week. To achieve this you should cut your calories by 500 per day. This can be done by a combination decreasing calorie intake and increasing calorie burn.

Weight loss and healthy heart diet plans often include increasing the amount of fiber intake. This accomplishes several things. Fiber will help to decrease your cholesterol, lower your triglycerides, and make you feel fuller longer using less calories. Foods that are high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains such as couscous.

Weight loss and healthy heart plans will help you to decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Using appropriate plans and maintaining your motivation it won’t be long before your cholesterol is down and your energy level up!
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Healthy Eating Facts - Why It is SO Importtant

We’re all aware that staying healthy and fit requires that we attain a balanced diet, get lots of exercise, and also stay away from unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive alcohol intake, drugs and others. Those who practice good nutrition, hygiene and regular exercise, often develop healthy habits which they will continue practicing for life, and will keep them healthy for long periods. Here are some healthy eating facts and figures for children, teenagers and adults.

What Is Nutrition?

According to health experts, the word nutrition refers to the value that we get out of the food we eat. A food item will be deemed nutritious if it provides the required amount of nutrients to support the health of our body, enhance growth, replace lost energy, and allow us to perform at our peak. Nutritious and wholesome foods offer balanced combinations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats. Foods that are not nutritious simply fill our stomachs with unhealthy fats and carbohydrates, which only reduce hunger and bloat our bellies.

3 Basic Rules For Promoting a Child’s Healthy Diet

In promoting healthy eating habits in children, the food pyramid for kids generally promotes three basic rules for a healthy diet. The rules include variety, balance and moderation. Variety means that a child’s diet must include different food items from each level of the food pyramid, from a wide array of meats, to vegetables and fruits, whole-grain breads, dairy proteins and fibers. Because no single food item is able to supply the amount of nutrients of a growing child, a child’s food choices have to be expanded to include foods of all colors. Balance means eating the right amounts of food from all levels of the food pyramid everyday, and moderation refers to being careful not to eat too much of any type of food item.

There Is A Link Between Unhealthy Eating Habits And A Negative Self Image

Nutrition experts and psychologists agree that there’s a direct link between unhealthy eating habits and people’s perceptions about their image and body. The use of extreme measures just to control weight is on the rise today, and some adults even complement harsh dieting methods with fasting, the use of laxatives, induced vomiting and taking appetite suppressants. These depressing behavioral patterns are often indicators of incoming eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa. A number of studies have also indicated that most girls, particularly teenage girls, tend to worry more about weight and diet in their adolescent years. A 1992 study has also indicated that even six to seven year-old girls are known to worry about their figures too, but nevertheless eat too much.

Healthy eating is a vital piece in the quest for promoting overall well-being, regardless of whether eating has a direct relationship with self-esteem. What’s clear is that people who feel good about themselves often make healthy food choices, and low self-esteem is usually linked with unhealthy eating habits like binging, purging or dieting.
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Healthy Eating – Benefits Of A High-Fiber Diet

Fiber is one of the main ingredients of healthy eating. If the body isn’t getting the required amounts of natural fiber, the person may be prone to disorders such as constipation, gas pain, and worse colon cancer. For those who are looking to have a healthy eating plan, fiber is one of the key elements to that plan. The sad thing is that many individuals still don’t take fiber too seriously. Here’s a look at the many benefits of consuming high-fiber foods.

Fiber Fights Diseases, And Can Help Stop Overeating

A diet that’s rich in fiber can help prevent a number of diseases, from constipation to colon cancer. Eating a high-fiber diet actually helps the body reduce or eradicate bad cholesterol, by binding fat and cholesterol in the digestive tract. Natural fiber can also help stop overeating. High-fiber foods take longer to chew and digest, making the person feel satisfied and full longer.

Processed Foods Don’t Have Adequate Fiber Content

These days, grocery shelves are often filled with lots of processed meats, snacks and other food items. They also contain large amounts of artificial sweeteners, flavorings and preservatives. If you love eating processed foods, you may need to increase your fiber intake, because most processed foods lack adequate fiber content.

Fruits, Vegetables And Whole Grains Are Great Sources of Fiber

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber, which is actually plant matter. Fiber is largely composed of cellulose, which aids the body in digestion. Whole grains are also excellent dietary fiber sources. When cooking fruits and vegetables, you need not worry about cooking the fiber, because it stays there. The fiber found in most fruits and veggies are not just located on the skin or peel, but deep within.

What’s The Recommended Fiber Intake?

According to nutritionists, getting the right amount of fiber is quite easy. All you need to do is eat the right foods, and you’ll be on your way to getting adequate amounts of dietary fiber. However, if you consume more than 50 grams of fiber each day, you may get diarrhea or abdominal bloating, and it may also hinder the body’s absorption of other essential minerals. Children who are two years and above also need to have their daily fiber intake, from fruits, vegetables and even fortified breakfast cereals.

Among the best sources of dietary fiber include dried beans and legumes, bran cereals, dried fruit, sweet corn, raspberries and strawberries, whole wheat, broccoli, plums, pears, apples, potatoes, raisins and prunes, dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, nuts, cherries, carrots, bananas, coconut and Brussels sprouts and more. It’s not hard to see the benefits of incorporating fiber into your daily eating plan. All you need to ensure is that you add these delightful foods into your regular diet.
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